How can we help you?
Sign Up / Creating Account
Is Kindli free?
What is a business or organization account?
What is the difference between an individual and a business account?
Can I manage more than one Kindli account, or link multiple accounts to manage?
Verify An Account
Posting and Commenting
How do I approve my account for posting and commenting?
Account Settings
How do I change my username?
Can I make my profile private?
How do I change my password?
Can I change my contact email?
Can I disable my account?
How do I delete my account?
Do I have to display the number of Kindli Cards I’ve given out on my profile?
How do I manage my interests?
How do I manage my payment methods?
How do I manage who is allowed to message me?
How do I manage who can tag me in posts?
How do I manage my notifications?
Can I edit my name?
How do I edit my bio?
How do I change my hometown or location?
How do I change my profile picture?
Donations To Charity
Do I have to pay to unlock my account?
Can I choose the charity Kindli will donate to?
Where does the donation money go? Does Kindli keep any of it?
How many times do I have to pay the unlock fee?
Who are your charity partners?
Kindli Cards
What are Kindli Cards?
How do Kindli Cards work?
How many cards do I get?
Can I customize the Kindli cards?
I received a Kindli Card, what do I do?
Can a Kindli Card be used more than once?
Our Strict Content Guidelines
What are the content guidelines?
What happens if I violate the content guidelines?
Is politics really off limits?
What are Vibes?
Who posts Vibes? How can mine get on there?
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